Hi, it's been awhile.
How are you doing ? I am good, Alhamdulillah. Still have a good life even if the pandemic gives us so much pressure. I wanna tell you that I join to book discussion club since year ago, right when the pandemic attack Indonesia, that time I was clueless what to do because you know almost every sector of life has difficult time, and as you know I am working in aviation company it gets the biggest impact from this pandemic, I have to work from home, flight decreased, and so do my salary, hahaa.
So, to spend my spare time during pandemic, I was offered to join a book club by my mentor at office, and yes I said I want to because I love to have new insight, new experience, and new environment. I've attended several meeting, discussed several books, and the cool thing is I got opportunity to be the presenter for book I had choose. The books are : Barking Up The Wrong Three, Ikigai, When, The Subtle Art of not Giving A Fuck, Journey of Souls and I present The Magic of Thinking Big written by David Schwartz.
The most interesting discussion was Journey of Souls, moderated by Pak Wido for July 2021 discussion. I didn't read the book, but I attend the meeting, because I was triggered by the participant on WhatsApp Group talking about soul, spirit, life after death and kinds of. Pak Wido succeed lead the discussion and making it so active, interesting and insightful. I can say this is the best book discussion session that I have ever had.
The book is generally author's recorded session with his patients, using a special hypnosis technique to reach the hidden memories of subjects. Journey of Souls is the record of 29 people who recalled their experiences between physical deaths.
What make it interesting was the discussion. Talked about souls, spirits, spirit guide, soulmate and etc though we have different religion.
Even if its different with what your religion told, all of it depends on the intention of us, the readers. When it brings to wisdom and make us better, and improve or enlarge our knowledges, then it is good.
The discussion lead us to several question.
- Where do we go after we die ? are we afraid ?
- Do you believe the concept of Reincarnation ? or life after death ?
- Then if you do, how much our past lives influence our current life ?
- Do you have to be religious to believe in life after death ?
- Talking about Karma. If there is no Karma or reward or what we called "Pahala and Dosa". Do people still do the good things ?
- How do you stimulate the positive energy ? What is the push ? reward or punishment ? but then if you are doing for rewards, is it sincere ?
- Assuming we believe there is life after life. What/when is the end of life, if we continuing on this endless journey ?
Whatever you do in life, universe will return it back to you. It's like mechanism of life and universe.
Hypnosis finally opened the door to an eternal world, people have a different approach to spiritually.
One day we are going to finish this long journey and reach an ultimate state of enlightenment where everything is possible.